Full Line Distributor of Italy's Most Highly Respected Gunmakers


1835 - 1836


This section is dedicated to the guns used during the Texas Revolution. The Texas Revolution took place between October 2, 1835 and April 21, 1836; as Texas settlers led a rebellion against Mexico to secure their freedom.

4 of 4 Items
  • S214 alamo.3 Alamo Flint

    Alamo Flint

    Reproduction of the historical rifle used by the Texas troops during the battle of the Alamo. Shown on the patch box are two scenes from the war of independence: the resistance of the Alamo, defended for 13 days by 189 soldiers against 4000 Mexicans and...

  • alamo.1 alamo.3 alamo.2

    Alamo Percussion (1750-1850 c.)

    Reproduction of the historical rifle used by the Texas troops during the battle of the Alamo. Shown on the patch box are two scenes from the war of independence: the resistance of the Alamo, defended for 13 days by 189 soldiers against 4000 Mexicans and...

  • Kentucky "Maple" Flintlock  (1750-1850 c.) Kentucky "Maple" Flintlock  (1750-1850 c.) Kentucky "Maple" Flintlock  (1750-1850 c.) Kentucky "Maple" Flintlock  (1750-1850 c.) Kentucky "Maple" Flintlock  (1750-1850 c.)

    Kentucky "Maple" Flintlock (1750-1850 c.)

    A superb version with a maple stock, traditional wood as used by the pioneers and finished according to the original formulas of the American gunsmiths. The barrel is rust brown colour finished, the lock is coin colour finished and with brass furniture.

  • Navy-Moll-pistol-Flintlock_1 Navy Moll Flint Navy Moll Flint Navy Moll Flint Navy Moll Flint

    Navy Moll Flint

    An elegant pistol with a maple stock, colored and finished according to the original formulas of the American gunsmiths of the late 1700's and early 1800's Features a blued steel barrel, case color hardened lock and a brass butt cap.

4 of 4 Items